A Heart Filled with Thanks

My father speaks prophetically over the future of Abba's House.  1/22/17

My father speaks prophetically over the future of Abba's House.  1/22/17

“God cannot change for the better, for He is already perfect; and being perfect, He cannot change for the worse.” ~ A. W. Pink

Sunday was a powerful and emotional day for my family. Not only did I get to baptize a childhood friend and his son and witness three people give their lives to Jesus Christ, I also got to welcome two families into membership of Abba's House, but the Holy Spirit didn't stop there.

I got to be apart of a prophetic shift of mantles in the life of my church. I knew this was going to take place, but had no idea at the power that would fall. It was a surreal moment in my life which I will never forget. I am confident in God's call, his word and his voice. I am humbled and honored to follow one of the greatest pastor's to ever walk this earth. I can't fill his shoes, but I can walk confidently in the shoes God made for me and that is what I plan to do. I honor the past and look forward to the journey God has for this great church.

Jesus Christ is and has been what fuels me to follow him and serve others. His Grace truly is Amazing! There are no words to describe the honor and excitement I have about the transition plan that was made public this past Sunday at Abba's House. Although this plan has been in place since 2012, it became real in the arms of my Father on Sunday morning. I would like to thank everyone for their texts, tweets, kind words of support and encouragement, and for the love that you have shown my family. I'm blessed to have some "true" brothers and sisters in the Kingdom. These last 11 years have been a great journey of education, growth, leadership, travel, missions, service, and miracles for Kelly and I. God has already taken us places we never dreamed we would go and given us opportunities that I never thought we would have. God has eliminated debt, purchased buildings, added an assisted living facility to our property and has built churches around the world right before my eyes. I know there will be more victories and many struggles, but God is Faithful.

 I can't put into words how much I love & appreciate our staff, trustee's, pastor's council, and our church body for their unanimous support of God's plan for the future of our church. It's about "WE" not "ME" and "WE" as Abba's House have much work to do to be the body God has called us to be in this city and around the world. My father is my hero. Everyone that knows me knows that I am my own man, but I love, honor, and respect my parents like no other. Dad and I will be a team as long as we both have breath and I look forward to serving him and this church in my new role and watching God bless him in his as a Father/Apostle to the nations.

I can't adequately describe the way I feel about my parents or the love I have for Jesus Christ, my family, and the wonderful people at Abba's House. So...Here is a video link from this past Sunday for those of you who would like to hear my heart on the honor of succeeding my father. I believe our best days are in front of us. To God Be the Glory!

Growth in the Wilderness

The Growth in the Wilderness

What is the wilderness? Is the wilderness a punishment for doing something wrong? For years the idea of someone going through a wilderness season has meant that the person is in sin, or their life is falling apart and they need time to heal and be cleansed before ministering to others again. The preaching over the past few years has portrayed the wilderness as a trial period that someone goes through when their life is hard. However, Luke 4:1 states, “Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness” (NIV). Jesus who knew no sin was being lead into the wilderness, so why are we so scared of a wilderness season in our own lives?

Apostle Matt Pettry states, “The wilderness is a call to a life of devotional integrity”. The daily trials we go through can wear on a person physically, mentally, and emotionally to the point where many times we give in and either: choose sin or fail in devotion and choose compromise-neither are good routes. When we get alone with the Holy Spirit daily through a devotional lifestyle, our lives begin to go through a cutting process that, at times, may be painful and messy. Through the process, Jesus begins to pinpoint areas in our lives that we have not surrendered to him, and like the gentleman that he is, he politely asks that we hand it over to him. He will give you so much more if you allow him to consume every part of your life. Through this laid down lifestyle, Jesus will begin to change feelings, actions, and thought patterns to help you move FORWARD to all God has called you to be.

The word the Lord has given me for this coming year is FORWARD.

Free (from those holding you back)

Open (to new opportunities)

Ready (to follow God's plan)

Willing (to try new things)

Available (for God to use)

Redemptive (to people who have failed)

Determined (to give your all to Christ)

Philippians 3:12 “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” (NIV) To move forward then the call to the wilderness is a necessity. Get away with Jesus and allow him to strip you of everything that is not of him and fill you up so you can then minister in your calling. The wilderness is a season of restoration and preparation so what is deposited in you can then be poured out upon the local body. Remember, if you have nothing to pour, then how can you show a thirsty person how to get water? Allow yourself to be dismantled through the wilderness season and find your true identity in Christ. This will then lead to being re-mantled with new armor. Apostle Damon Thompson states, “Through proximal devotion in the wilderness, one begins to receive the heart of the Father, and through that transfer, we begin to love what he loves and disgust what he disgusts. This makes resisting sin easy." I challenge you today to accept the call to the wilderness and receive everything the Lord has for you in this re-mantling season.

I apologize that I haven’t written more devotionals as of late, but we have been busier than ever and have had some changes to our board in 2016. We hope to publish one a month in 2017. There are many new ways to connect with Ronnie Phillips Ministries International; Download the Abba’s House APP at the App Store on your smart phone. We now have our own YouTube channel (RPJ TV), you can follow me on Twitter @PastorRonnieJr, Facebook: Ronnie Phillips Jr, and we will be adding a ministry page this year. You can also sign-up for monthly updates on this website (ronniephillips.org).

Please make plans to attend our RPMI Wilderness Conference April 27 – April 30, 2017 at Faith Worship Center (189 Hyden Tyler Rd Chatsworth, GA 30705). Services will be at 6:30 each night and at 10:30am on Sunday morning. I am very excited about our speakers this year; Dr.Ron Phillips on Thursday night (4/27), Damon Thompson (4/28) on Friday night, Pastor Eric Clark (4/29) on Saturday night, and I will be preaching Sunday morning (4/30) at 10:30 am and Sunday night at 6:30. I believe North Georgia is in for a move of God like they have never seen before. Please mark these dates and rearrange your schedule to be with us! We will post a more detailed schedule very soon!





Life Lessons from my Dad




Father's Day is such a special time for so many of us. It is a time when we stop, pause, and give Honor to our Fathers. My Dad has been a mentor, friend, and pastor to me, but most of all he is my Dad. He is someone who I love and respect and will fight you over. Make no mistake about it. I love my parents. We have our differences, but they are the most giving and loving people I have ever met. Although I walk in my own anointing and have my own voice, my Dad will always be at my core.

I have seen my Dad preach to four major Christian denominations (SBC, AOG, COG, IPHC) at their largest conventions or Pastor's conferences. He has been around the world and blessed to see so much. I was with him when he met President Bush and preached at the Southern Baptist Convention. He has preached for John Hagee, Rod Parsley, Jentezen Franklin, Jerry Vines, Joel Osteen, Rodney Howard Browne, Jerry Falwell, Adrian Rogers, Perry Stone, and so many other great men and women of God around the world. I have been with him for most of his big moments. I've pretty much gotten to ride shotgun for most of his journey. It has been a tough road at times, but a blessed one nonetheless. I want to quickly give you the top 4 things my Dad has taught me. He has taught me hundreds of lessons, but I want to list the top 4 on this Father's Day weekend;

1) Faithfulness

He has taught me to be FAITHFUL. He has modeled faithfulness. He has challenged me to be Faithful in my love for Jesus Christ, his BODY (the local church), and his word. He has taught me to be Faithful to my Family, and in the little things that people don’t see everyday. My Father has withstood lies, attacks, threats, and every kind of religious junk you could ever face, but he just keeps being FAITHFUL to God and us. He has taught me that perseverance pays off when you go with God. I admire that!

2) Boldness

My Father will stand when it is time to stand. Dad has a short fuse and I have a long fuse, but mine is more explosive. Whenever I want to cower back and get concerned about the opinions of others, I think of him. He has never wavered from what he believed. He will not back down from God's word. He has stood for the Bible, the local church, and his family. He is a true scholar of God's word and knows how to stand against the demonic spirits that come after us. He taught me to stand for what I believe in and to not look back. I admire that!

3) Humility

Some people think my Dad is this arrogant and angry man. The people that think that don't know him personally. Maybe that is the way he has been portrayed at times, but nothing could be further from the truth. I mentioned earlier about some of the larger venues that he has preached in, but my Father preaches the same way to 15 people as he does to 15,000. He treats everyone the same. He loves helping churches and size/position has never been a big deal to him. My Dad has given his name and his life to the local church as a seed for it to grow. You won't find many pastors that would do that. For all that he has accomplished and that God has done through him in 50 years of ministry, he still has a child-like spirit. He still loves his sheep the best he can. He still gets excited when people get saved, baptized, and filled with the Spirit. He still cares about what is going on in the life of our church and God's kingdom. I admire that!

4) Loyalty

One of my Dad's friends once told me, "The great thing about Ron is he is loyal. The bad thing about Ron is he is loyal." I would have to agree. My Dad believes in everyone and has always tried to be loyal to his friends and our church. He would rather err on the side of Grace and Love, than to be quick to write someone off too soon. Sometimes loyalty will get us in trouble, but friendship, faithfulness, family, and faith are still things that matter to him. I admire that!

Father's Day is a tough time for many who have lost their fathers or didn't have one. I am praying for those of you who have lost your fathers or have never known the love of an earthly father.  The Bible teaches us that God is our Father (Matthew 6 and Luke 6, 12, John 15:1-2).

He is the Father of the Fatherless and protector of widows (Psalms 68:5). He is a God that always welcomes his children home no matter what they've done (Luke 15). He is a God that loves us enough to chasten us and discipline us. He is a God that loves us (John 3:16, John 15) in our mess. He is truly our Abba Father this Father's Day and we are blessed to have access to him through his son, Jesus Christ.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”

8 Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”

9 Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. 11 Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves. (JN 14:7-11)

Nothing will fill the void in your life like a relationship with Jesus Christ. If you would like to begin your relationship with the Father, click on this link below to learn how. Please email me if you have questions.


Pray for us as we are leaving to Nicaragua with a team of 52 people tomorrow. We believe many souls will be saved and lives will be transformed this week. Consider going on a mission trip with me someday. The dream is real and there are churches to build and things to do in the USA and around the world!  RPMI needs your help! Partner with us as God leads during these summer months!